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Biogeochemical Cycles Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Biogeochemical Cycles Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biogeochemical Cycles Vocabulary

2 Law of Conservation of Mass:
matter may be transformed from one type to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

3 Nutrient: matter that organisms require for their life processes

4 Biogeochemical Cycle:
complex cycles displaying how nutrients circulate throughout their environment.

5 Primary producer: organisms that produce their own food; also called an autotroph

6 Photosynthesis: process where producers pull carbon dioxide out of their environment and combine with water in the presence of sunlight.

7 Consumer: Organisms, mainly animals, that must eat other organisms to obtain nutrients

8 Decomposer: an organism that breaks down and recycles nutrients from dead organisms and puts it back into the environment.

9 Cellular Respiration:
process by which organisms use oxygen to release chemical energy for sugars and release carbon dioxide and water.

10 Eutrophication: overgrowth of algae that leads to hypoxia (low oxygen levels) in a body of water

11 Nitrogen Fixation: conversion of nitrogen gas into ammonia

12 Biogeochemical Cycles Vocabulary Week 2

13 Carbon Source: any activity that emits carbon dioxide.

14 Transpiration: the evaporation of water from small pores on the underside of plant leaves.

15 Chemosynthesis: process where producers use energy produced by inorganic chemical reactions to produce food.

16 Fossil Fuels: natural fuel such as coal or gas formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

17 Carbon Sink: any natural environments ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

18 Herbivore: a type of consumer that eats only plants.

19 Carnivore: a type of consumer who eats other animals

20 Omnivore: a type of consumer who eats both plants and animals.

21 Food Web: network of food chains that shows the feeding relationships among organisms.

22 Food Chain: a hierarchical series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food.

23 Energy Pyramid: a graphical model used to show how the energy flows through a food chain.

24 Nitrification: the chemical process by which ammonia is converted to nitrites

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