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3rd Grade AzMERIT rd Grade AzMERIT 2019

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Grade AzMERIT rd Grade AzMERIT 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Grade AzMERIT 2019 3rd Grade AzMERIT 2019
  AzMERIT testing is around the corner. If your child attends ALL three full days of testing, then he/she will earn Out-of-Uniform on Friday April 26th. Please do not schedule doctor appointments or take your child out in the middle of the day for lunch. Also, please ensure your child receives a healthy, nutritious breakfast and at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Our testing days are listed below: Tuesday April 9th- Writing Wednesday April 17th- ELA/Math Part 1 Thursday April 18th- ELA/Math Part 2 Thank you for supporting your child's success during AzMERIT testing! 3rd Grade AzMERIT 2019   AzMERIT testing is around the corner. If your child attends ALL three full days of testing, then he/she will earn Out-of-Uniform on Friday April 26th. Please do not schedule doctor appointments or take your child out in the middle of the day for lunch. Also, please ensure your child receives a healthy, nutritious breakfast and at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Our testing days are listed below: Tuesday April 9th- Writing Wednesday April 17th- ELA/Math Part 1 Thursday April 18th- ELA/Math Part 2 Thank you for supporting your child's success during AzMERIT testing!

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