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Rotation and revolution

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1 Rotation and revolution
World Geography Intro and Physical Geography Unit

2 For today, 09/11 Turn in the Chapter 3 Vocab to the tray if you did not do so yesterday. Pick up “The Coriolis Effect” and quietly begin working. British Isles trip meeting scheduled tonight has been postponed – more info forthcoming.

3 Earth’s Rotation 24 hours Time Zones Night and Day Coriolis Effect
Atmosphere Hydrosphere



6 Coriolis Effect Winds and currents are most affected
Northern Hemisphere Pushed to the right Counter-clockwise motion Southern Hemisphere Pushed to the left Clockwise motion

7 January? March? May? July? October? November?
jj January? March? May? July? October? November?

8 Your Assignment:4 Spheres handout

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