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Bellwork 3/2/15 Pick up a handout from Miss Buccola

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1 Bellwork 3/2/15 Pick up a handout from Miss Buccola
Read and annotate in preparation for a Socratic Seminar What is Shakespeare trying to teach his readers in his play, King Lear? Why might the last line of the play be “Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.”? What is Milton trying to teach his readers in his poem, Paradise Lost? What is his opinion about the worst sin?

2 Bellwork 3/3/15 Finish reading and annotating yesterday’s handout, making sure you can answer this question: What is Milton trying to teach his readers in his poem, Paradise Lost? What is his opinion about the worst sin? Listen to a selection from Handel’s Messiah Why did Handel compose music? Listen to a selection from Mozart’s Requiem Why did Mozart compose music?

3 Bellwork 3/6/15 Find each of the questions you got wrong on yesterday’s test. Write one paragraph on each question, giving the reason for why you answered it incorrectly, and why the correct answer is the correct one.

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