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MT 14, The Blueprint of Life

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1 MT 14, The Blueprint of Life
Monday TOPIC: MY GOAL: DID YOU KNOW I will… demonstrate my knowledge of DNA & find out how DNA Replicates Only the function of a few % of the DNA is known  rest has been believed to be useless garbage, called "Junk DNA” Now it seems as if this DNA is not "junk" at all  it helps regulate other genes  This means that the "non-coding DNA" influences the behavior of the "coding DNA" The knowledge between the two is very incomplete! Junk?

2 DNA Double Helix A T C G T T Nucleotides G C DNA
The different combinations of the 4 chemicals, A-T, C-G, gives us our traits/characteristics like blonde hair, long toes, and even pink petals in a flower! 1. So if organisms are more closely related will their SEQUENCE of nucleotides be more ALIKE OR more DiFFeREnt ? 2. Soooo, if organisms are NOT similar, will their nucleotide SEQUENCES be more ALIKE OR more DiFFeREnt ? 3. What do the white circles represent? 4. What do the nucleotides make up? A T P S C G T T G C P P P Nucleotides P DNA 2

3 It is the SEQUENCE of NUCLEOTIDES that determines traits of all living things!
Maybe this SEQUENCE gives you a small nose Maybe this SEQUENCE tells your body to have the right # of blood vessels Maybe this SEQUENCE is junk DNA …Non-Coding DNA 3

4 Lastly… A gene is a piece of a Xsome which is made up of ---.
The main purpose of DNA is to DNA is made up of smaller subunits called --- DNA is found in the of the cell. Do all cells have DNA? The shape of the DNA molecule is like DNA actually directs the ribosomes to make ----. Proteins are made up of smaller subunits called ----.

5 MiniSummative #1 MT 14, DNA You need your own answer sheet # from 1-10 w/o skipping lines Read carefully  Understand what is being asked Double-Check your work Keep eyes on your own paper Do not talk! Turn in quiz paper BEGIN THE NOTES: Packet page 9, ISN page

6 YOUR JOB TODAY COMPLETE IN CLASS TODAY, the ReplicationReplication Notes! Formative Performance Check Grade: 2, 1, or 0 These notes will NOT be graded beyond today! This semester, you must understand that a deadline actually means something!

7 Video Clip DNA Replication DNA Replication 11/2 min. 11/2 min.

Takes place in the NUCLEUS of the cell….. A C T G - T G A C A - T G C T T A A - T C - G T - A G - C A - T C -G T - A G - C A - T C - G T - A G C G C A T c G G T C T A G A 3. Results in 2 identical DNA mol. – 1 for each daughter cell 1. ENZYME Helicase unzips due to enzyme 2. Extra Free Nucleotides move in to pair with matching 1/2 8

9 This is why Replication MUST take place
Mitosis is when your cells divide so we can grow & develop  it is basically ONE cell splitting into TWO & those 2 splitting into 4 & those 4 into 8 to 16 to 32 and on and on and on  That is how your body MAKES MORE CELLS! In this ex. of Mitosis, you start w/ 4 strands of Xsomes in the parent cell & you have to end w/ 4 strands… If the cell splits BEFORE replication, you would end up w/ 2 cells w/ only 2 strands of Xsomes So now we find out the 3 steps involved in DNA REPLICATION (46) (92) (46) (46)

10 Be the change you wish to see in the world
Study the Replication Notes… HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world 10 10

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