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Types of Economics.

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1 Types of Economics

2 Command government owns and operates all factors of business
aka- Socialism, Communism Cuba, China, Laos

3 Market individuals own and operate businesses
aka- Free enterprise, Capitalism Almost: United States, Great Britain, Japan In reality there are no pure market economies, nor are there any pure command economies. For example, even in the United States, where free enterprise reigns, the government plays a major role in the economy. Minimum wages, social security, and regulatory policies are examples of government involvement. In China, for example, some private ownership of businesses is allowed, however the government still maintains tight control over the factors of production and prices.

4 Traditional based upon customs and traditions
usually agriculture and hunting aka- Non-Industrialized, agrarian societies Chad, Haiti, Rwanda

5 Mixed Combination of privately owned and government controlled businesses system that has features of both market and command economies Almost all economies are mixed

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