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Presentation on theme: "THESE CANDY CORN COMMAND YOU TO EAT CUKCAKES!!!"— Presentation transcript:

Sign in at the front and grab a #. Then please login to the SSISD Instructional Tech Team. It is in your waffle, select TEAMS! Student Choice Vision 21 October 18, 2017 THESE CANDY CORN COMMAND YOU TO EAT CUKCAKES!!!

2 Why Student Choice? Because our students are unique and it’s extremely hard to offer one activity in a class that meets the needs of all your learners. And because…read slide.

3 Choose your path… Homework Options Structures & Downloads
45 minutes, Self-paced, Move to station Required: 3 choices, any way Watch for Tech Needed signs TAKE PICTURES!!! Homework Options Structures & Downloads Digital Choice Boards Gallery Walk Video Reflections Alternative Choice Options Choices for Delivering Content Ideas for Practicing Content Assessment Choices We designed today in a small way to model how you could use choice boards with your students. You will have 45 minutes to work through 3 menu options of your choice. It doesn’t matter which order you go in to complete your activities, but you do need to: move to the station to read the specific directions (yellow cards) take your technology with you for certain stations (green card will indicate this is needed) Take a snapshot of your work with the iPad at the station, or send it to us via so we can add your ideas to our teams notebook (red cards to remind) Hand out teacher choice boards if not done already and go over activities.

4 Station Information GOLD PAPER- Instructions for the station, please don't write on them or remove them from the station  WHITE PAPER- These are for you to brainstorm and take with you.  TECHNOLOGY- Most of the station information can found in the SSISD INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Teams NTBK.  IPAD/RED SIGN- If there is an IPAD at your station, please take a picture of whatever work you did. Whether that is brainstorming, poster, choice board, etc. 

5 Choice Board Closure Numbered Heads Together Students number off
Teacher poses a question Students think/write or both on their own Heads together to share and discuss (find your group) Teacher calls out one number from each group to share with the class Discuss how important it is to close out a lesson with choice menus being used so you can assess their learning and address any misconceptions. We are going to model a Kagan strategy today called Numbered Heads together to close out our learning. Remind teachers they were given numbers earlier today. They now need to find their group and discuss 1-what they learned, 2-what they could take back and use in their class, or 3-what if anything held significance/meaning for them today. Instructor calls on one number from each group to share out to the class Numbered Heads Together Strategy Groups of five find each other 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40


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