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Do the President and Congress get along?

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Presentation on theme: "Do the President and Congress get along?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do the President and Congress get along?
Clearly you can see from these facial expressions that they do not always get along. These two leaders are from different political parties, but the tension between Congress and the President is about a lot more than that. Here are some causes of the friction…

2 Cause #1: Money The President is in charge of the day-to-day workings of the government Congress has to approve any money spent by the executive branch BUT… EX.- Government shutdown

3 Cause #2: Laws Congress can create and pass bills to become laws The President can either sign or veto (reject) them Congress can overturn it with a 2/3 vote of both houses BUT… BUT… The overturn of the veto is unlikely because most congressman vote with their political party and there are too few members of each political party to get away with it

4 Cause #3: Approval The President can appoint people to be in major positions (EX.- Supreme Court) The Senate has to approve them before they can take the jobs BUT… EX.- Robert Bork nomination

5 Cause #4: Military The President is Commander in Chief of the military Congress has the power to declare war and pay for the military BUT… This is one of the BIGGEST causes historically of issues between the president and Congress

6 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)

7 War Powers Resolution (1973)
President must notify Congress within 48 hours of committing our troops to armed military action and he cannot keep them there for more than 90 days without congressional approval Congress passes this to take back military power from the President

8 But, the only way to confirm your power is by suing up to the Supreme Court…
Which hasn’t really been done yet. So, the President is still running wild with the military and Congress is still complaining about it

9 BREAKING [FAKE] NEWS The American embassy in the [fake] country of Bongo was just bombed. A prominent terrorist group from the [also fake] country of Atlantis just claimed responsibility. Although the government of Atlantis condemns the terrorist group, they haven’t taken any action to punish the group. What do you guys think is the right thing to do?

Congress is arguing and making no decisions. In the meantime, the President decides to bomb the terrorist training camps and put 1,000 military people on the ground to help the Atlantian government. This situation has lasted 76 days so far. What are some of the issues here? Can you think of any issues involved with us pulling our military forces out of the area? But what if we stay longer? And what if Congress never approves?

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