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Powerpoint Jeopardy rulers land Hundred years war

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Jeopardy rulers land Hundred years war"— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 rulers land Hundred years war
Plague other 10 20 30 40 50

2 Who was the first ruler in my PowerPoint?

3 Who was the last ruler in my powerpoint?

4 How many Charles's are there?

5 Who stabbed jean II to death?

6 Who went mad?

7 Where is France?

8 Where is England?

9 Which leader had the least land?

10 What parts of France did England

11 Where is Crecy?

12 When did it start?

13 When did it end?

14 Who started it?

15 Who was the female girl who was
A hero for the French?

16 As a result of this was the Pope’s
Court was moved to Rome form where?

17 What is the plague?

18 Who died from it?

19 Whose wife died as a result of
The plague?

20 Did the plague it England as well?

21 How was the plague spread?

22 Is France kool?

23 Do u like bread?

24 How big is france?

25 Is France mountainee?

26 Do you like France?

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