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Positive Feelings.

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1 Positive Feelings

2 Learning Objective Today
The student will identify appropriate strategies to foster positive feelings/attitudes.

3 Small Group Discussion
Discuss situations in which an experience turned initially negative feelings into positive feelings, and situations in which someone was able to help you turn negative feelings into positive ones. Prepare to share at least one example with the class.

4 Scenarios in Small Groups
Use the following scenarios to role-play turning a negative experience into a positive experience. You made plans to go to a movie with a friend. At the last minute, your friend tells you he or she has invited your younger sibling along. You were planning to go inline skating in the park with your friend. When you get there, you discover your friend did not bring his or her inline skates. Your parents planned a special supper celebration after your event at the music festival. Your performance did not go well but the supper is on anyway.

5 Complete the following statements:
“Thinking positively is helpful because …” “Thinking positively is difficult sometimes because …” “When I know I am having negative thoughts, I …” “I can encourage other people to be more positive by …”

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