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Right Vs Left Wing LO: Understand the difference between Right Wing and Left Wing political views.

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Presentation on theme: "Right Vs Left Wing LO: Understand the difference between Right Wing and Left Wing political views."— Presentation transcript:

1 Right Vs Left Wing LO: Understand the difference between Right Wing and Left Wing political views

2 The Left Wing Perspective
Pro equality of opportunity Pro a more equal distribution of wealth and income Believes that the better off should exercise a responsibility to the less well off Pro taxation Believes that the state has a responsibility to care for the sick, the elderly and the poor Strongly supports the Welfare State Liberal attitudes towards sexuality, families, abortion and divorce In Britain The Labour Party was influenced by the left wing perspective

3 The Right Wing Perspective
Believe we ALREADY have equality!! Against the redistribution of wealth and income Believes that individuals should take responsibility for their own problems Anti taxation and supports the reduction of income tax Pro wealth creation Against the Welfare State and believes that the state should take a minimal role in the lives of individuals. Conservative attitudes towards sexuality, families, abortion and divorce Strong support for the traditional family In Britain the Conservative Party was influenced by the Right Wing Perspective

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