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Imagine: One day you’re out

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1 Imagine: One day you’re out
Imagine: One day you’re out. You see someone who is clearly foreign, possibly an immigrant, but they are just sitting and minding your business. Someone else walks up and begins calling that person racial slurs. They are yelling and seem like they could become violent. You are the only person around. What do you do? Give a detailed one-paragraph response. Warm-Up: Journal

2 Quick Writes What are some stereotypes about Middle Easterners and/or Muslims? What is the “single story” most Americans have of Middle Easterners and/or Muslims? Why? What do you think are some specific challenges that Middle Eastern immigrants face in the USA?

3 “What Would You Do?”

4 Persuasive Claims In a persuasive essay, your CLAIM is your argument and/or thesis statement. A strong claim will clearly state your opinion, give reasons to support your opinion, and leave the reader with no doubt as to what you are talking about.

5 What Would You Do? Paragraph
STANDARD: Write arguments to support claims about important topics. Using your claim as the beginning, write one strong persuasive paragraph to defend your opinion about what someone should do in this scenario.

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