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Program: Mini Phone Book 2/11/2016

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1 Program: Mini Phone Book 2/11/2016
AP Computer Science Program: Mini Phone Book 2/11/2016

2 Create a ‘Contact’ class with the following Instance variables: - String name, - String phoneNumber, - String school Constructor: Sent a name and phone number Methods +String getName() +String getNumber() +String toString() +compareTo(Contact otherPerson) returns <0 if less than otherPerson.getName() returns 0 if equal to otherPerson.getName() returns >0 if greater than otherPerson.getName() Write an application with an ArrayList of contacts with the following menu items with a while loop Add contact Show all contacts Find contact: Input a name and search the ArrayList and return the phone number or a remark if the person is not in the ArrayList Find contacts from a school. Input the name of the school and show all of the contacts from that school. Push: Sort contacts by name Push: Sort contacts by School so that within each school the names are in order Push: Modify the add contact part of the menu to insert the new contact in order by name

3 Add ons (2/16/2016) Include the sort by name option
Modify the Add name to put the names in order alphabetically Modify the Find algorithm to use a Binary Search Binary Search

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