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SALTRO16 activities in Lund

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1 SALTRO16 activities in Lund
Lund University presented by Ulf Mjörnmark

2 EUDET/LCTPC setup in september 2010
Low voltage Front End Electronics Kapton cables TPC Magnet

3 ALTRO based Front End Electronics & DAQ
Hardware is based on ALICE TPC readout electronics

4 Summary of experiences with the ALTRO electronics
-Excellent noise, ca 350 electrons on a FEC connected to the chamber -Operated reliable when taking data in test beams at DESY: 2009: February – March, July, September 2010: September, December -In September 2010 the system operated with: 7680 channels (60 Front End cards) 3 RCUs, 2 DRORCs Problems -Breaking amplifier channels -Needs compressed air cooling . Not a practical solution for the future

5 Broken channels due to discharges in the GEM system?
Happens too frequently , may in the worst case kill a FEC i.e 128ch. Has to be solved. Have emulated with injection of 1mJ in amplifier input. Kills the internal protection of the channel with same symptoms as real failure. External diode network as below works as protection for emulated input. Survives injection of 20mJ. Will be tested for noise . Testing on GEM chamber at next DESY test (june 2011). Evaluate. Final placement?

6 New design Backplane Front End Card Pad plane SALTRO16 MCM Multi Chip Module 16 ch ALTRO PCA16 Kapton cable PAD plane


8 trace routing from pads to SALTRO16 becomes simpler
Advantages of Multi Chip Module (MCM) compared to all electronics on the padpanel: trace routing from pads to SALTRO16 becomes simpler - MCM module offers 2 extra layers for components. electronics prototyping will be cheaper and easier. parallell prototyping possible possibility to distribute design and fabrication -analog and digital functions are well separated, - minimal heat transport to the TPCendplate service by replacement of MCM module. simpler endplate construction SALTRO16 mounted on padpanel imply 1x9mm pads

9 Horisontal FEC-MCM design
Back plane LV Voltage regulators FPGA Board CTRL LV&ctrl FEC-MCM Padpanel

10 Horisontal design Top side FEC-MCM 8 SALTRO16 128 channels
Naked Si wirebonded to board Card size 31.5*23.5mm Pad pitch 1x5.9 mm possible Connectors to LV&CTRL board 4 connectors to pad board Below side

11 On a pad panel. 6*6 matrix of FEC-MCM. Total 4608 channels,
pad size, 1.0*5.9mm possible On a pad panel. 234 mm 170 mm Connector FEC-MCM 209 mm

12 But in the prototype stage where we are now and a couple of years to come
we think that an FEC-MCM module with 128channels is too risky and expensive -Risky as long as the broken channel problem is not under control -Even if we understand this problem, this electronics will be used in tests of various avalanche chamber prototypes. This is a danger in itself. Expensive to replace 128 channels if one is broken. Expensive to manufacture since the chip yield is unknown and the chance of assembling 8 working but untested chips on a board may be quite low. The SALTRO16 is a rather large chip. The yield can be as low as s 90% (including bonding). Then only 43% of the modules will be OK if there are 8SALTRO per module As a consequence we think that most prototyping has to be made with a smaller MCM module.

Pad pitch 1x4.6 possible Bus card LV&CTRL 32chMCM SALTRO16 SALTRO16 PAD PLANE

14 SALTRO16: Evaluation at CERN: 64chMCM: Specification : Design: Test: Redesign and fabrication: Test: LV&CTRL/Buscard: Design: Fabrication: Test with ALTRO+PCA16: Redesign and fabrication: Test: Small System test: 64chMSM/LV&CTRL/Buscard: Final fabrication: Full System test: Input protection: Beam test at DESY: Evaluation: PCMAG: to Japan: back:

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