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Indian revolts.

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Presentation on theme: "Indian revolts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian revolts

2 HIPP this document. Do Now (Doc 3) Remember: H-historical context
I-intended audience P-point of view P-purpose

3 Finish gallery walk

4 Describe the life of a slave who was transported as a part of the Triangular Trade.
Thesis (at least) 3 pieces of evidence (from docs)

5 Colonial-Indian Relations

6 Expert Group: 12 minutes: Read individually and silently
Complete guiding questions Be prepared to present your event

7 Model Pequot War

8 30 seconds to move to Jigsaw groups

9 Jigsaw Groups 3 minutes for each presentation
You may NOT copy from your classmates paper

10 Exit Ticket How did Native Americans attempt to resist colonial dominance?

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