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Bones Notes Mrs. Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "Bones Notes Mrs. Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bones Notes Mrs. Morris

2 Skeleton Supports the body Protects internal organs Skeleton & muscles enable the body to move

3 Bone & Cartilage

4 Bone is a living tissue

5 Bones produce blood cells

6 Bones store minerals used by the body

7 Cartilage is connective tissue which is part of the skeleton

8 Cartilage gives the skeleton flexibility

9 Cartilage is found in nose, between vertebrae & on the ends of bones

10 Cartilage prevents bones from rubbing together

11 In the human embryo most of the skeleton is cartilage

12 Most cartilage turns to bone (this change is called Ossification)

13 Joints

14 Joint = 2 or more bones that are connected together

15 A joint allows for motion

16 Bones are held together at the joints with ligaments

17 Ligaments can stretch but keep bones together

18 4 types of joints Pivot joint (neck) Ball & socket joints (shoulder & hip)- greatest range of motion Gliding joints (ankle, ribs, vertebrae) Hinge joints (elbow, fingers, knees)

19 The End……..

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