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Tumblebuggy Lab: Part 1 Purpose: to determine the speed of your Tumblebuggy. Procedure: Use a piece of masking tape to mark the starting line for your.

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Presentation on theme: "Tumblebuggy Lab: Part 1 Purpose: to determine the speed of your Tumblebuggy. Procedure: Use a piece of masking tape to mark the starting line for your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tumblebuggy Lab: Part 1 Purpose: to determine the speed of your Tumblebuggy. Procedure: Use a piece of masking tape to mark the starting line for your buggy. Using a meter stick, measure off a known distance. Use the stopwatch to time how long it takes your buggy to travel this distance. Repeat your measurements three times. Calculate the average speed of your buggy for each trial. Devise a method to determine unknown length measured off by your teacher. You MAY NOT measure the distance with a meter stick! Once you’ve devised a method, test your prediction.

2 Tumblebuggy Lab: Part 2 Procedure: Devise a method to construct a data table of position and time for your Tumblebuggy. You are restricted to using the materials on the materials table. All of them may not be needed. (Tape, paper, post-it notes, paper clips) Construct a Position vs. Time graph for the Tumblebuggy. Using information from that graph, determine the speed of the Tumblebuggy. Compare this to the speed to the data from Part I. Use the position and time data to graph velocity versus time for the Tumblebuggy. Determine the acceleration from the graph. Plot acceleration versus time for the Tumblebuggy.

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