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Shared by Jackie Tripp.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared by Jackie Tripp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared by Jackie Tripp

2 KAHOOT! Game based learning platform that is FREE
Best used in a group format Can be used with multiple devices at once Share and play against other classrooms or even against someone across the world

3 WAYS TO KAHOOT! Review Revise Reinforce
Review learning or key concepts Use as pre-assessment to identify what students know Use as a review for exams Revise Revise topics Reinforce

4 WAYS TO KAHOOT! Use as an energizer or ice breaker
Use as a reward program for students Evaluate student understanding Use as an assessment tool Formal or informal Gather opinions or ideas Promote teamwork in the classroom by teaming up students

5 WAYS TO KAHOOT! Connect with other classrooms in your building or even across the world Use to kickoff a new unit or lesson Empower students and their learning by having students create their own KAHOOT! games Use as part of professional development

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