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Speed – Time Graphs Objective: Know that data can be presented in the form of graphs. These graphs are used to interpret information. Starter: What is.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed – Time Graphs Objective: Know that data can be presented in the form of graphs. These graphs are used to interpret information. Starter: What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed – Time Graphs Objective: Know that data can be presented in the form of graphs. These graphs are used to interpret information. Starter: What is ‘Moment’? Provide the equation.

2 Keywords: Speed, Distance, Time, acceleration, deceleration

3 Outcome: Level 4: Draw a graph labelled with the correct axis Level 5: Plot the co-ordinates correctly and join dot-to-dot Level 6: Interpret the graph by answering the questions

4 Speed-Time Graph speed



7 Velocity-Time graph showing an object constant decelerating

8 Basilisk can travel at up to 1.5 metres per second

9 A Basilisk is a lizard that can run on land and water with great speed
A Basilisk is a lizard that can run on land and water with great speed. This speed–time graph shows her speed during the journey. Time of day Speed m/h 23.00 23.15 60 23.30 23.45 00.15 150 00.45 1.00 1.30 1.45 80 2.45 3.00



12 What was the fastest speed for the Basilisk
How long did it stop for a break? __________________________________________ How long was it travelling at 80 km/h? _____________________________________

13 The Coyote is chasing its meal (the Road Runner)
The Coyote is chasing its meal (the Road Runner). Unfortunately the Coyote has difficulty adjusting to the Road Runner’s speed but we have a good idea what it is.

14 Time (hrs) Speed (km/h) 1 4.0 2 3 6.0 4 5 11.0 6 7 0.0 8 9 3.0 10 11


16 1) How long was the Coyote travelling at 4.0km/h
2) Between what times did the Coyote stop to take a break? 3) What was the maximum speed did the Coyote achieve 4) From which time(s) did the Coyote decelerate to rest permanently?

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