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Revision To “revise” is to do more than “edit”

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Presentation on theme: "Revision To “revise” is to do more than “edit”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision To “revise” is to do more than “edit”
Revising is the reworking of a piece, while editing is the surface-level correcting of a piece Revising focuses on all areas, including, and especially ideas/content and organization.

2 Revision The topic MUST remain the same for the essay.
You will not receive credit for writing an entirely new paper if the topic is not the same. The goal is to improve a piece you already wrote, not to rewrite an entirely new essay.

3 Revision Expect to: Rethink the wording of your thesis
Incorporate more compelling show statements Consider a variety of sentence structures Eliminate information that is not crucial to the thesis Hone in on exact language Perfect surface features Reconsider organization of ideas Expand upon ideas with examples

4 Beginning a Revision Essay
After locating ALL of your graded essays, list ALL of the teacher-feedback you have received. Looking at all of your feedback on each essay helps you see your own writing patterns and tendencies, which helps you direct your attention to areas that may need revision.

5 Selecting a paper to Revise
Select one of the following essays to revise: Visualization Essay Analysis Essay Nature as Metaphor Essay

6 4 Initial Steps to Get Started
Consider and re-write the teacher feedback provided on that essay. Determine what will be necessary to improve/expand upon this essay. Locate the “how-to” reference article for the essay you choose to revise. Re-read and highlight that text for critical features.

7 Use the Rubric! You have a copy of the scoring guide/rubric for this essay. Look for the score you hope to attain on this paper and read the criteria needed to obtain this score. Also, read the entire requirements for each score, so you understand how some factors will help you achieve higher scores, while some may lower your score.

8 Essential Information
In order to receive ANY credit on this 140 point revision essay, you MUST attach the original, graded essay with the scored rubric to the final revision essay. Any revision essays that do not have the original graded essay attached will receive a grade of ZERO out of 140 points. I will not grade late essays. This is the final assignment in the course, and there is simply no time to grade

9 Due date: Friday, May 31

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