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. Computer Lab Behavior lesson plan

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1 . Computer Lab Behavior lesson plan
By: Gracyn, Pamela, Madison HG, Tyler

2 Act Responsable Quiet voices Treat objects nicely

3 Quiet voices

4 Treat objects nicely

5 Be respectful No drinking or eating
If there is a lesson. Raise your hand to be called on Clean your area when you leave

6 No drinking or eating in the computer lab

7 If there is a lesson raise your hand to be called on

8 Clean up area when you leave

9 Create a safe environment
No printing without teacher permission No using the computer lab without supervision No downloading without teacher permission

10 No printing without teacher permission

11 No using the computer lab without supervission

12 No downloading without teacher permission

13 Review Act responsible Quiet voices Treat objects nicely Be respectful
No drinking or eating in the computer lab If there is a lesson raise your to be called on Clean up your area before you leave Create a safe environment No printing without teacher permission No using the computer lab without adult supervision No downloading without teacher permission

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