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Rome’s Beginnings.

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Presentation on theme: "Rome’s Beginnings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome’s Beginnings

2 Questions to be Answered
What aided Rome’s rise to power? What was Rome’s government? What were their conquests?

3 The Origins of Rome Geography of Rome
Located in the Mediterranean Sea Area

4 The Origins of Rome Sicily Sardinia, and Corsica are Islands to west of The Boot

5 The Origins of Rome Across the top are of Italy are the Alps Mountains and down the boot North to South are the Apennines.

6 The Origins of Rome Italy had better farm land than the Greeks did. It could support more people.

7 The Origins of Rome There is evidence that people moved down from the North between 1500 BC and 1000 BC because of the mild climate and rich soil.

8 The Origins of Rome Among the people that settled were Latin speaking people who built the city of Rome on the plain of Latium in Central Italy. Latium- Region in West Central Italy

9 The Origins of Rome Site chosen for Rome was 15 mi. up the Tiber River. Tiber River gave the Romans a source of water

10 The Origins of Rome Rome was built on 7 hills which was done on purpose. The hills were steep making it easy to defend against attack.

11 The Origins of Rome How did Rome Begin?
2 different legends describe how Rome began. Twin brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city.

12 The Origins of Rome How did Rome Begin?
As babies they were abandoned near the Tiber River and were rescued by a wolf and raised by a shepherd. 8-1A

13 The Origins of Rome How did Rome Begin?
They decided to build a city in 753 BC. Romulus lashed out at Remus because he made fun of him and thus, killed him, becoming the first king of Rome.

14 The Origins of Rome How did Rome Begin?
The Aeneid, an Epic, describes the story of a Trojan hero called Aeneas. Aeneas- A Trojan who united the Trojans and some of the Latins through war and marrying the local king’s daughter . This is described in an epic poem by Virgil

15 The Origins of Rome Early Influences
Around 800 BC the Greeks and the Etruscans played a major role in the development of Roman Civilization.

16 The Origins of Rome From the Greeks Romans learned to grow grapes and olives. They adopted the Greek Alaphabet.

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