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Exercise 4 Reforming social assistance in Bulgaria

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1 Exercise 4 Reforming social assistance in Bulgaria
Rent per month needed for housing benefits. Hours vary from 0-80 (per week)

2 Exercise 5 Reforming the health tax in Denmark

3 Exercise 6 Adding a new means-tested income support benefit for families with children in compulsory education in Croatia

4 End of session

5 InGRID autumn school in ‘Cross country microsimulation’ Day 3
Miko Tammik, Andrea Papini, Kostas Manios, Diego Collado ISER, University of Essex 21-23 May 2018 Course based on EUROMOD v. H1.0+

6 Outline: Day 3 Morning (9:30-12:30 with a break at 11:00)
Assessment (tax) units in EUROMOD Hands-on practice: Exercise 7 Afternoon (14:00-17:00 with a break at 15:30) Hands-on practice: Exercises 8 & 9 Presentations by participants Using EUROMOD after the course Q&A

7 Assessment (Tax) Unit

8 8 Assessment Unit Unit: group of household members to be considered together Function DefTU, used at policy TUDef_cc or anywhere Defined the first time it is used by the model (see func_UpdateTU) Name convention: tu_xxxxxx_cc defined

9 Types of assessment units
9 Types of assessment units Parameter type: defines the composition of the tax unit HH: all individuals of the household are in the same unit. IND: each individual of the household forms its own unit. SUBGROUP: individuals determined by parameter members form an unit. The household may be split into several units of different size. Micro data used by EUROMOD- sample of households all individuals in a selected household if assessment unit includes individuals outside the household cannot be reconstructed exactly Individual Household Subgroup

10 Some examples of assessment units
10 Some examples of assessment units description idhh idperson idpartner idmother idfather dag Household Individual family typical family 1 101 102 30 A 28 B 103 3 C 104 D couple.without children 2 201 202 56 55 lone parent 301 35 302 6 single 4 401 25 two singles living together 5 501 22 502 23 large family 601 602 606 48 45 603 20 604 15 605 10 E 70 F

11 Head of a tax unit The head of a tax unit is
11 Head of a tax unit The head of a tax unit is the richest member of the unit (System Configuration: Income for Head Definition) the oldest the lowest idperson ExtHeadCond: further conditions (e.g., female)

12 12 Members of a tax unit (1) members usually defines relations with respect to the head of the unit possible values Partner Children (Own/ Loose, dependent...etc) Dependent parents Dependent Relatives status of each member (i.e. Partner, OwnDepChild…) is defined by a xxxCond parameter PartnerCond OwnChildCond DepChildCond OwnDepChildCond LooseDepChildCond DepParentCond DepRelativeCond

13 Members of a tax unit (2) Condition parameters and default values fully documented in Help

14 14 Members of a tax unit (3) head: subsequent variable refers to the head of the unit partner: subsequent variable refers to the partner of the head of the unit {default} default setting, can be combined with further specifications

15 15 Members of a tax unit (4) DepChildCond: determines who is dependent children OwnDepChild: “a son or daughter”. See OwnChildCond LooseDepChild: “someone who is depend child but doesn’t cohabit with parent/s”

16 Avoiding to split up families
16 Avoiding to split up families

17 Using conditions which refer to income
17 Using conditions which refer to income If the assessment unit is bigger than the individual, the level of interpreting monetary variables or income lists must be considered carefully (using footnotes) Queries can be used to define income conditions (e.g. GetParentIncome, GetCoupleIncome, …)

18 Updating assessment units
18 Updating assessment units The tax unit is defined/ calculated the first time it is used by the model: household members are assigned to respective units once an assessment unit is first used. This assignment is not changed with subsequent uses, even if circumstances change. However, the reassessment of the units can be enforced by using the function UpdateTU.

19 Tax unit in output file idhh idperson idpartner idmother idfather dag
ils_origy il_tinty tu_tinfajt_headid tu_tinfajt_ispartner tu_tinfajt_isdepchild tu_tinfajt_isdepparent tu_tinfajt_isloneparent 1 101 102 65 60 103 30 104 28 166 147 2 201 202 29 1,085 1,007 25 953 891 203 3 204 52 5,201 5,202 5,206 5,205 40 1,954 1,831 38 5,203 10 5,204 15 70 92 9,201 80 9,202 3,740 3,502 9,203 34 2,483 2,324 9,204 11 func_DefTu on Name tu_tinfajt Type SUBGROUP Members Partner & OwnDepChild & DepParent PartnerCond {Default} & {IsMarried} DepChildCond {Default} & {dag<25} & {il_tinty#1<=8000#y} DepParentCond {Default} & {dag>65} & {il_tinty#1<=8000#y} #1_level tu_individual_es AssignDepChOfDependents yes AssignPartnerOfDependents LoneParentCond {default} & !{IsMarried} & {nDepChOfPerson > 0}

20 Exercise 7 Reforming the UK Child Benefit by narrowing its age condition Rent per month needed for housing benefits. Hours vary from 0-80 (per week)

21 End of session

22 Exercise 8 Introducing an in-work benefit in Cyprus

23 Exercise 9 Introducing the Belgian social insurance contributions for pensioners & survival pensioners in the UK

24 Presentation by participants

25 Using EUROMOD after the course

26 Model access Web
Statistics on the distribution and decomposition of disposable income Country Reports Working Papers Model is freely available for non-commercial use contact to obtain the link for downloading (incl. manuals)

27 Data Access conditions
Data access is subject to conditions set by the original data provider EU-SILC UBD Access depends on being in an institution recognised by Eurostat as a “research entity”. For more info see In a second stage you need to be part of a “research proposal” accepted by Eurostat that includes the use of EUROMOD When you are ready to submit the second stage proposal contact Allow at least 4 months for the whole process Other data: relatively straightforward procedures

28 Responsibilities of EUROMOD hand-on users
Respect data access rules and conditions Acknowledge EUROMOD when it is used Submit all papers using EUROMOD for inclusion in the WP series Take responsibility for your own use of the model Tell us about bugs or errors Keep us informed about what you are working on and when you are working actively: that way we can keep you informed of relevant changes

29 Q&A

30 End of session

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