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Big Business part 2a.

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1 Big Business part 2a

2 -Created the Standard Oil Co.
John D. Rockefeller -Created the Standard Oil Co. -Controlled all aspects of oil industry through Trusts (monopolies) -Created the Horizontal combination -Controlled 95% of all oil production in the U.S. -Richest man in America during his time **Rockefeller was known for philanthropy. He financed many foundations that had an effect on medicine, education, and scientific research. He is given credit for eradicating Hookworm and Yellow Fever through one of his foundations. .

3 Sherman Antitrust Act-1890
-Created to break up powerful monopolies that restrained trade and competition -weak -large corporations found loopholes in the law to help them. -was used against labor unions even though that was not the original intention What is a trust? A trust was an arrangement by which stockholders in several companies transferred their shares to a single set of trustees. In exchange, the stockholders received a certificate entitling them to a specified share of the consolidated earnings of the jointly managed companies.

4 The octopus’ head is representative of the central trust of the Standard Oil Company, composed of a board of trustees headed by Rockefeller. The tentacles represent the way that the trust controlled every aspect of every branch of the Standard Oil Company, across the entire nation. Cartoons such as these led to the widespread distrust of industrialist methods, as the tentacles surrounding the governmental buildings indicate Rockefeller’s use of bribery to influence Congressmen and other officials to prevent the passing of anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws.

5 Rockefeller is examining the White House and Treasury in his hand; in the background, the State Capitol building is portrayed as a giant oil refinery. The cartoon’s main motif is that big business (specifically big oil) had become extremely prevalent in late 19th century America, and it had grown so large that the government was unable to control it. Rockefeller is portrayed as a man that has become so powerful that he has dwarfed the power of the federal government

6 In 1901 Puck published this political cartoon depicting John D
In 1901 Puck published this political cartoon depicting John D. Rockefeller as a king presiding over a landscape that he has devastated. On his crown are the tools of his empire: four railroads–including Pennsylvania's Reading and Lehigh Valley R.R.s– encircle his crown, which is topped by oil derricks and holding tanks.


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