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Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 7 Westmead Level 2 Oral Surgery Waiting Area

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Presentation on theme: "Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 7 Westmead Level 2 Oral Surgery Waiting Area"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dental alumni Museum Faculty of Dentistry University of Sydney Museum case - 7

2 Dental Alumni Museum Display Case – 7 Westmead Level 2 Oral Surgery Waiting Area

3 1 - Extracting key. The key is of "common construction" and has a straight shaft claw moves with a swivel at the head of the shaft - Late 18th century

4 2 - Extracting key with a long straight thick shaft a thick bolster and a large ivory handle -Very early 19th century

5 4 - Extracting key. Which has an ebony handle and a large heavy claw, the shaft has a bend in it about half way Mid 19th century

6 5 - Extracting key with double small claws a bend in the shaft near the base, an ebony handle and has a fixed bolster Mid 19th century

7 26 - Extracting key, modified pelican. - 1861

8 27 - Extracting key, modified pelican designed by Eugene D'est Angne

9 30 - Elevator with round ebony handle and a srew tip
30 - Elevator with round ebony handle and a srew tip Early 20th century

10 33 - Elevator with ebony handle and adjustable blade - 1870's

11 34 - Elevator with ebony handle and adjustable blade - 1870's

12 105 - Leonard's local anaesthetic

13 117 The B.W. & Co. patent hypodermic syringe

14 143 Box containing dental rubber – Early 20th century

15 Forceps kit

16 160 Tin box of artificial teeth “Champion Ruby”

17 362 Sutures in original box (x 11 vials containing sutures)

18 366 - Extracting instrument modified pelican form with interchangeable beaks (x 7 beaks) in wooden box

19 370 - Travelling surgical kit, 13 tools and 1 packet of suture needles in a leather wrap around pouch

20 483 - Extracting forceps (x 9), J. Lee & Co. Sheffield England

21 484 - Forceps (x 2). Dental Manufacturing Co. England

22 493 - Syringe (glass and stainless steel). A. C. Daniels & Co. Ltd
493 - Syringe (glass and stainless steel). A.C. Daniels & Co. Ltd. London

23 619 - Anatomical teaching model. Human skull partially cut away.

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