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Repaso: Direct object pronouns

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1 Repaso: Direct object pronouns
Preview Direct object pronouns

2 Direct object pronouns
Direct objects are people or things that receive the action of a verb. To avoid repetition, the direct object pronouns can take their place. Subject Direct Object Subject Direct Object yo me me nosotros(as) nos us te you (s.) vosotros(as) os you (pl.) usted (m.) lo you (s.) ustedes (m.) los you (pl.) usted (f.) la you (s.) ustedes (f.) las you (pl.) él lo him ellos los them ella la her ellas las them

3 Direct object pronouns
Direct objects are people or things that receive the action of a verb. To avoid repetition, the direct object pronouns can take their place. la stands for Paula ¿Invitaste a Paula? Sí, la invité. Ella viene. Did you invite Paula? Yes, I invited her. She’s coming.

4 Direct object pronouns
When answering a question, remember to change the direct object pronoun, if necessary. object me changes to te ¿Me vas a llamar? Sí, te llamo más tarde. Are you going to call me? Yes, I’ll call you later.

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