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BELL WORK Who is your favorite character in a movie/book/play/television show? What qualities make him/her your favorite character? How did you find.

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK Who is your favorite character in a movie/book/play/television show? What qualities make him/her your favorite character? How did you find."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK Who is your favorite character in a movie/book/play/television show? What qualities make him/her your favorite character? How did you find out about those qualities? Were they told directly to you? Did you learn them from watching/reading about the character?


3 Characterization Characterization: The process by which an author reveals the personality of a character Direct Characterization: The author tells the audience about the personality of the character. Indirect Characterization: shows things that reveal the personality of a character

4 5 Types of Indirect Characterization
Speech: What the character says and how the character speaks Thoughts: The character’s private thoughts/feelings Effects on others: The character’s effects on other people, and how other people feel about/act around the character Actions: What the character does Looks: The character’s physical appearance.

5 Charactonym Charactonym: a name that suggests the personality traits of a fictional character The character’s name reveals something about the character’s personality/characteristics (Also known as aptronym)

6 Examples: Mr. Hammerdown (an auctioneer)—Vanity Fair
Ms. Flight (crazy lady who has lots of birds)— Bleak House Remus Lupin (Werewolf)—HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban Usain Bolt (World’s fastest man) Mr. Chatburn

On your own piece of paper, begin to develop a character: Decide what personality you want him/her to have Fill in answers for each of the prompts Label whether each trait is: Speech, Thoughts, Effects on Others, Actions, Looks When you reach the end of your description, create a charactonym for your character, and explain why you chose that name.

8 Exit Ticket Turn in your character bio sheet
Answer following questions: How does a writer use direct characterization? How does a writer use indirect characterization?

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