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Jeopardy Political Parties Click to begin..

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1 Jeopardy Political Parties Click to begin.

2 Vocabulary Purposes of Political Parties Party Systems & Why the US Has a 2 Party System Minor Parties Party Machinery 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 A group of persons who seek to control government by winning
elections and holding office.

4 Political Party

5 Someone that currently holds the position that they a running for.

6 Incumbent

7 The goals that government sets and the various courses of action it pursues as it attempts to reach them.

8 Public Policy

9 Voting for candidates of different parties for different offices at the same election.

10 Split-ticket voting

11 A party that has split from one of the major parties.

12 Splinter party

13 Recruit, choose and present candidates for public office.

14 Nominate Candidates

15 Campaign, define issues and criticize other candidates

16 Inform and Activate supporters

17 Guarantee that their candidate is worthy of the office.

18 Act as a Bonding Agent

19 Members of government act according to their partisanship, they control government

20 Govern

21 Parties that are out of power keep a close eye on the actions of the party in power.

22 Act as a Watchdog

23 A political system in which only one party exists.

24 One-party system

25 A system where several major and many lesser parties exist, seriously compete for, and actually win public offices.

26 Multi-party system

27 Reason why the US has a 2 party system:
The nation started out with two parties: the Federalists and Anti-Federalists

28 Historical Basis

29 Certain features of government in the US are designed to favor two major parties.

30 Electoral system

31 US has a 2 party system because most Americans have a general agreement on fundamental matters, which is known as what?

32 American Ideological Consensus

33 Minor parties that are based on a particular set of beliefs are known as what?

34 Ideological Parties

35 Parties that focus on only one public policy matter are known as what?

36 Single-Issue Party

37 These parties usually show up during economic discontent and disappear when the period is over.

38 Economic Protest Parties

39 These parties have split from a Major party.

40 Splinter parties

41 What three things do minor parties do, that puts a bind on major parties?

42 1. Spoiler 2. Take stands on issues 3. Innovator

43 This person is the leader of the national committee, is chosen for 4 years and direct’s the party’s headquarters.

44 Chairperson

45 This person is the party leader and has power to appoint people to federal office and can dispense other favors.

46 The President

47 This is the parties national voice, the place where each party creates its platform.

48 Convention

49 What are the three components of a Party?

50 Party organization Party in electorate Party in government

51 What is the future of major parties?

52 They are getting weaker due to the internet and they are becoming more centralized

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