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Total Bilirubin (BiliT) 6L45 Revised Training Presentation Reduced sample volume (2.6 µL) March 2010 REF NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures.
* Background: BiliT sample volume reduction
In May 2009, a complaint for the reduced recovery of bilirubin in a neonatal sample was received. Investigation showed that increased concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin can result in reduced bilirubin recovery. Customers were notified via FA09JUL2009 and instructed to dilute samples with a bilirubin concentration greater than 15 mg/dL (257 µmol/L. Sample dilution was demonstrated to provide correct results. A Level-III investigation was opened to investigate the under-recovery at higher concentrations. The results concluded that a reduction in sample volume to 2.6 µL would resolve the under-recovery issue. Verification testing confirmed that acceptable assay performance was achieved with a sample volume of 2.6 µL. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
This training document has been revised to include information, where necessary, that is specific for the 2.6 µL sample volume. Obsolete information has been deleted. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Agenda Clinical Utility Methodology Sample Handling
Reagent Handling Calibration Reportable Range Interference Precision Method Comparison Assay-specific Information Troubleshooting Tips Questions and Answers NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Bilirubin Clinical Utility
Bilirubin Synthesis Old RBCs broken down by spleen Heme converted to unconjugated bilirubin Unconjugated bilirubin transported to liver bound to albumin Bilirubin is conjugated to glucuronic acid in liver to form conjugated (direct) bilirubin Direct bilirubin excreted to intestine Total Bilirubin = conjugated + unconjugated Pathology Elevated In: Hepatitis Cirrhosis Hemolytic Disorders (to include HDN*) Enzyme Deficiencies Hepatic Obstruction *Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Hemoglobin Molecule Heme converted to bilirubin Red Blood Cell Spleen Unconjugated Bilirubin Bilirubin is conjugated to glucuronic acid Liver Conjugated or Direct Bilirubin excreted into Intestine for elimination NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Reaction Methodology
Methodology: Diazonium Salt/Diazonium ion w/blank Equation: Surfactants Total Bilirubin + 2,4-Dichlorophenyl Azobilirubin diazonium salt Reactive Ingredients: Surfactants 2,4-dichloroaniline HCl HCl Sodium Nitrite Surfactant Improved R1 surfactants result in decreased interference from hemolysis R1 R2 NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Sample Handling Specimen Requirements: Serum Plasma
With or without gel barrier Glass or plastic tubes Venipuncture or capillary tube Plasma Lithium Heparin (with or without gel barrier) Sodium Heparin EDTA Not Recommended: (potential for hemolysis) Sodium Fluoride Potassium Oxalate Sample volume = 2.6 µL NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Sample Handling Specimens should be protected from bright light.
Bilirubin is photolabile. Specimen storage: Stored specimens must be inspected for particulates. If present, mix and centrifuge the specimen to remove particulates prior to testing. Temperature Maximum Storage 20 to 25°C 2 to 8°C -20°C -80°C 1 day 7 days 6 months NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Reagent Handling
2 Reagent Kit Configurations 6L45-21 6L45-41 R1: 10 X 53 mL R1: 8 X 93 mL R2: 10 x 17 mL R2: 8 x 28 mL 2750 tests/kit 3840 tests/kit NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Reagent Handling
Reagent is liquid, ready-to-use, two reagent kit. Storage 2 to 8°C. Total bilirubin reagent is light sensitive. Unopened kit is stable until the expiration date when protected from light. Store reagent cartridges in the reagent box when not on the System. The reagents are susceptible to the formation of foam and bubbles. Do not invert reagent cartridges prior to use. Remove any air bubbles with a new applicator stick, or allow bubbles or foam to dissipate at storage temperature prior to use. Reagent onboard stability - 21 days NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Calibration Calibration stability is 14 days.
Abbott Bilirubin Calibrator Bilirubin Calibrator, E66-04, has not been revised or altered in relation to this reduction of sample volume. Calibrator set name: Bil REF NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Calibration Curve -AEROSET
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BiliT Calibration Curve – ARCHITECT c8000
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BiliT Reportable Range
Reportable Range: 0.1 to 25.0 mg/dL (Conv) to µmol/L (SI) Limit of Quantitation: < 0.1 mg/dL (Conv) < 1.71 µmol/L (SI) Limit of Detection: mg/dL (Conv) µmol/L (SI) NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Interference The new BiliT assay is more resistant to hemolysis interference. Acceptability is < 10% or mg/dL, whichever is greater. Lower Decision Level Interfering Substance Interferent Concentration N Target (mg/dL) Observed % Recovery Hemoglobin 1000 mg/dL 2000 mg/dL 7 1.1 0.9 86% 80% Intralipid 1.0 1.2 1.4 115% 136% Upper Decision Level 16.4 15.7 15.5 96% 95% 16.6 16.8 100% 101% NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Precision CLSI protocol NCCLS EP5-A2 was used to evaluate precision: Total CV < 5% Precision Results LEVEL N Mean mg/dL Within Run Between Run Between Day Total SD %CV 1 80 0.75 0.01 1.2 0.00 0.4 1.5 2.0 2 4.11 0.02 0.5 0.03 0.8 0.05 1.1 0.06 1.4 3 5.86 1.0 0.07 4 15.70 0.3 0.08 0.12 0.16 NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Method Comparison
Correlation per CLSI protocol NCCLS EP9-A2. The Total Bilirubin assay on an ARCHITECT cSystem was compared with the Roche Total Bilirubin assay (liquid 2,5-dichloro-phenyldiazonium tetrafluoroborate) on the Hitachi 917 Analyzer. Adult ARCHITECT vs. Hitachi c8000 vs. c16000 N 138 Y-Intercept 0.10 -0.04 Correlation Coefficient 0.999 1.000 Slope 1.02 1.01 Range (mg/dL) 0.1 to 23.5 Neonatal N 54 53 Y-Intercept 0.32 0.02 Correlation Coefficient 0.997 1.000 Slope 0.99 1.00 Range (mg/dL) 1.0 to 19.1 NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Assay Specific Information
Assay Method: Diazonium Salt Reagent LN: 6L45-21, -41 Calibration: Linear Bilirubin Calibrator 1E66 Assay Stability: Onboard stability: 21 days Calibration stability: 14 days Sample and Reagent Volumes: Sample: L R1 Reagent: L R2 Reagent: L Acceptable specimen: Serum and plasma (heparin & EDTA), protect from bright light Precision: Total CV< 5% Reportable Range: 0.1 to 25.0 mg/dL (1.8 – mol/L) LOD: mg/dL (0.86 mol/L) LOQ: < 0.1 mg/dL (< 1.71 mol/L) Reagent Considerations: Light sensitive Susceptible to formation of bubbles and foam On AEROSET, BiliT must be line separated from: 6L35 MULTIGENT® Amikacin 6L31 MULTIGENT Quinidine 6E44 MULTIGENT Vancomycin REF NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Troubleshooting Tips
Issue: QC has shifted with new cartridge of reagent, but the calibration interval has not expired. Response: Confirm unused reagents are stored in the closed carton until ready for use. Within lot variability may be caused by exposure of the reagent cartridges to light, before they are placed on the system. Issue: New reagent has foam and/or bubbles. Response: If fresh reagent usually has foam or bubbles, confirm that customer is not inverting or shaking the reagent cartridge prior to use. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Troubleshooting Tips
Issue: Specimen or QC material with a very low concentration does not achieve the 5% CV precision claim. Response: As the concentration of specimens or QC material approaches the LoQ (limit of quantitation), by definition the %CV approaches 20%. The precision claim was developed around the bilirubin concentrations most often observed in routine testing. See the representative precision data for examples. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
BiliT Troubleshooting Tips
Issue: All (or the majority) of the samples on a run display results of < 0.1 mg/dL (1.71 mol/L) or an absorbance flag. Response: This is probably due to foaming or bubbles. Inspect the reagent cartridge and remove any bubbles found per the instructions in the reagent package insert. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Questions and Answers Question 1: Is the intended use the same for the current Total Bilirubin G62 and this new product L45? Answer 1: No, this new product L45 has claims for both adult and neonatal specimens. Question 2: Is the product performance with neonatal specimens approved by my respective regulatory agency? Answer 2: Yes. In the United States, the 510(k) submission for this product was cleared by the FDA with a neonatal claim. We have included the data to support the use of neonatal specimens with our international submissions. REF REF REF NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Questions and Answers Question 3: What makes this assay acceptable for use with neonatal samples? Answer 3: Improved R1 surfactants result in decreased interference from hemolysis. Question 4: Can’t all Total Bilirubin products with acceptable hemolysis interference be used on neonatal specimens – what makes the Abbott product different? Answer 4: Many products do not specifically claim or disclaim the use of neonatal specimens. This product has been evaluated with neonatal specimens and the data to support the performance with these specimens was included in our regulatory submissions. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Questions and Answers Question 5: Do I need to take any special precautions to protect the reagent from light when the reagent cartridges are on the system? Answer 5: No. Follow the instructions in your instrument manual for proper loading of reagent cartridges and use of the reagent supply center cover. Also, reagents are filled in brown wedges. Question 6: Since the reagents are sensitive to light, can I store them in a lab refrigerator (2-8°C) with a glass door? Answer 6: Yes, as long as you keep the reagent cartridges in the closed carton to prevent exposure to light. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Questions and Answers Question 7: Can I still use my reagents if they have changed color? Answer 7: Yes, recalibrate and run controls. Question 8: Can the reagent cartridge be placed on the system right after shipment arrival or if it is dropped? Answer 8: The reagent is prone to formation of bubbles and/or foam. Refer to the package insert for reagent handling and removal of bubbles. If a reagent cartridge is dropped you may wish to let it sit at 2-8°C to allow bubbles to dissipate and minimize volume depletion. NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
Questions and Answers Question 9: If the LOQ is < 1.71 mol/L (SI units), why is the low end of the reportable range set at 1.8 in the assay parameters? Answer 9: The linear low value is the LOQ rounded up to the number of decimal places defined in the decimal places parameter field. Question 10: I’m using the correct parameter file. Why isn’t the system recognizing the new Total Bilirubin reagent? Answer 10: The default reagent names in the assay parameters are for L If you are using L45-41 change Reagent 1 name to BILIT61 and Reagent 2 name to BILIT52. REF REF NOT FOR CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION – INTERNAL USE ONLY For informational use only unless accompanied by the associated Lotus Notes form that contains electronic signatures. C8000 PN v.1
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