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Geo #56 Earth *geography—(graph—write)—draw the earth (make maps) and write about it *geology—(logos—word, study)—study of the earth and its formations.

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Presentation on theme: "Geo #56 Earth *geography—(graph—write)—draw the earth (make maps) and write about it *geology—(logos—word, study)—study of the earth and its formations."— Presentation transcript:

1 geo #56 Earth *geography—(graph—write)—draw the earth (make maps) and write about it *geology—(logos—word, study)—study of the earth and its formations

2 terra Land *territory—land under the control of a government or owner
#57 Land *territory—land under the control of a government or owner *extraterrestrial—(extra-outside)—outside the earth’s atmosphere

3 Dormio, dormitum Sleep *dormitory—place for sleeping
#58 Sleep *dormitory—place for sleeping *dormitive—something that causes sleep

4 hypnos sleep *hypnology—(logos—word, study)—the study of sleep
#59 sleep *hypnology—(logos—word, study)—the study of sleep *hypnophobia—(phobos—fear)—fear of sleep Study hint: most roots ending in –os are from Greek

5 annus year *biannual—(bi—two)—occuring twice a year
#60 year *biannual—(bi—two)—occuring twice a year *biennial—(bi—two)—every two years Mnemonic device: biannual has an a, and twice a year has an a Bienniel has two e’s and every two has two e’s

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