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Fundamental & Derived Units

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental & Derived Units"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental & Derived Units
IB expects you to know them

2 7 Base/Fundamental Units
Unit Symbol Dimension Meter m length definition Kilogram ___ ______ amt matter. Second ___ ______ __________. Ampere ___ ______ __________. Kelvin K ______ __________. Mole mol ___________________. Candela cd intensity of light.

3 Derived Units: Combos of base
Mechanics – motion, force, matter. All units derived from kg, m, s. Ex: density, velocity.

4 Remind yourselves of the metric prefixes
Remind yourselves of the metric prefixes. See Hamper pg 6 and Data booklet.

5 Ex: How may cm3 in 4 m3? 4 x 106 cm3.

6 1. What are the base units of Joules?
kg m2 s-2.

7 2. What unit is a C/s? Ampere

8 3. What quantity is represented by the base unit below?
kg m2 s3 A Volts

9 Order of Magnitude & Estimation
Physics must explain the very large & the very small. A number rounded to the nearest power of 10 is called its order of magnitude.

10 4: A human high school student was estimated to weigh 300-N on a planet whose g = 0.1 m/s2. Show why that is NOT a reasonable estimation. Fg = mg so 300-N/0.1 m/s2 = 3000 kg. Students are ~ kg.

11 5. The universe ~10 25 m across. It is ~ 15 BY old.
How many seconds is that? ~ seconds

12 6. Diameter: Atom ~ 10 – 10 m Nucleus ~ 10 – 15 m What is the ratio between the two?
10 5.

13 Wavelength of light few hundred nm (400 – 700) Frequency light ~ 4 – 8 x 1014 hz.
Try to memorize the previous quantities. See list on pg 1 in Kerr.

14 7. What is the order of magnitude of 200 nm in meters?
10 -7

15 Hwk: Kerr pg 1-4. do pg 2 #3-5 and pg 3 #1, 2, 4.
Write your whole name. Date. Assignment. Label questions. Show work.

16 Activity Order of Mag Estimation
Fermi Estimations 4 min Activity Order of Mag Estimation

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