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Warm Up – 3/13 - Thursday Apportion the classes using Adams Method

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1 Warm Up – 3/13 - Thursday Apportion the classes using Adams Method
A local gym instructor has a course load that allows her to teach Eight classes. At an interest meeting, 8 people wanted high-impact Aerobics, 64 wanted low-impact aerobics, 11 wanted jazzercise, and 31 wanted step exercise. Apportion the classes using Adams Method B) Apportion the classes using Webster’s Method.

2 Test Tomorrow Things to know:
Five methods of apportionment; Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, Webster, Huntington Hill. Paradoxes and rules; Alabama Paradox, Population Paradox, Quota Violations, know which methods violate which.

3 Test Tomorrow Hamilton Method: Lower Quotas, extra seats apportioned by highest residues (decimals). Jefferson Method: Lower Quotas, find a modified divisor that perfectly apportions the seats. Adams Method: Upper Quotas, find a modified divisor that perfectly apportions the seats. Webster Method: Normal Rounding, find a modified divisor. Huntington-Hill: Rounding by Geometric Means, find a modified divisor.

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