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You will then stick this post-it on the forehead of you partner.

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Presentation on theme: "You will then stick this post-it on the forehead of you partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will then stick this post-it on the forehead of you partner.
Starter: On the next slide you will see a range of key words, people or events from the topic we have been studying. You have 1minute to decide which word you want to write on your post-it. You will then stick this post-it on the forehead of you partner. You will then take it in turns to ask questions to try and guess the answer on your head. The questions can only be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If you guess, write another a new post-it and see how many you get can right! Sticky Head The teacher displays a range of key words, people or events from the topic the class have been studying (it works particularly well if it is the end of a topic and there are quite a lot of word for students to choose from). 1.Students have 1minute to read the words and decide which word they want to write on their post-it. 2.They then stick this post-it on the forehead of their partner. 3.The pairs then take it in turns to ask questions to try and guess the answer on their heads. The questions can only be answered with a 'yes' or 'no'. If they guess correctly they can write another a new post-it and see how many they get can right in a set time limit! Download a PowerPoint template to use here.

2 Ohio Valley Ambush Fort Necessity Louisburg General Braddock Monongahela Fort William Henry Iroquois William Pitt Royal Navy George Washington Fort Beausejour French Fort Duquesne Guerrilla tactics General Montcalm St Lawrence River New France Fort Oswego Quebec Virginia Colonel Monckton George II General Wolfe Colonel Monro Salutary neglect Jeffery Amherst

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