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How can I minister the Gospel to others?.

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Presentation on theme: "How can I minister the Gospel to others?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can I minister the Gospel to others?

2 Gospel? Good News 3 Things you need to know In order to minister the…
1.What is the 2.What are the components of the 3.What is an analogy of the Gospel? Good News

3 4 components of the Gospel 1. 2. You are a sinner 3. 4.
Jesus died for your sins Jesus raised from dead to confirm salvation Salvation is free received by faith

4 3.What is an analogy of the

5 explanation or clarification
Analogy? A comparison of 2 things for the purpose of explanation or clarification Warms Analogies are useful because we can use natural examples to explain spiritual truths.

6 Analogies of the Gospel
Jesus Connect us to God Jesus saves us from sin Jesus pays our debt of sin Jesus sacrifices himself for us God pardons our sins Jesus substitutes himself for us and dies in our place. Directions: Choose three of the underlined words and create an analogy that explains what Jesus does for us.

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