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UMBC CMSC 104 – Section 01, Fall 2016

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1 UMBC CMSC 104 – Section 01, Fall 2016
Algorithms III

2 Notes & Announcements Project 2 due… now! Project 3 posted tonight
Due next Thursday 10/13 at 5:30 PM

3 Writing Algorithms from Scratch
Given a problem statement, we are going to write the corresponding generic algorithm for the solution. We will use the following procedure: Determine the algorithm inputs and outputs Pseudocode a rough algorithm Complete the pseudocode

4 The Cube Problem: Write an interactive program to compute and display the volume and surface area of a cube. The program must also display the cube dimensions. Error checking should be done to be sure that all cube dimensions are greater than zero.

5 The Cube: What Do We Know?
We’re working with a cube. Cubes have equal length sides. Lets call our side length x. We need to calculate surface area of the cube. Cubes have 6 sides. 6x2 We need to calculate the volume of the cube. x3 We need to display the cube dimensions We need to verify that all dimensions are greater than zero

6 The Cube: Inputs & Outputs
Side length Outputs Dimensions Surface Area Volume

7 The Cube: Rough Pseudocode
Display “Enter the side length” Read <length> <surface area> = 6 * <length> * <length> <volume> = <length> * <length> * <length> Display “The dimensions are <length> x <length> x <length>” Display “The surface area is <surface area>” Display “The volume is <volume>”

8 The Cube: What are we missing?
We’ve met all of our requirements, except ensuring all side lengths are greater than zero. How might we do this?

9 Control Structures Any problem can be solved using only three logical control structures: Sequence Selection Repetition

10 The Cube: Final Pseudocode
Display “Enter the side length” Read <length> If (<length> is less than 1) Display “Invalid length! I quit!” Else <surface area> = 6 * <length> * <length> <volume> = <length> * <length> * <length> Display “The dimensions are <length> x <length> x <length>” Display “The surface area is <surface area>” Display “The volume is <volume>” End_If

11 The Cube: Final Pseudocode
Display “Enter the side length” Read <length> While (<length> is less than 1) Display “Invalid length! Try again!” End_While <surface area> = 6 * <length> * <length> <volume> = <length> * <length> * <length> Display “The dimensions are <length> x <length> x <length>” Display “The surface area is <surface area>” Display “The volume is <volume>”

12 Drawing a Rectangle Problem: Write an interactive program that will draw a solid rectangle of asterisks (*). The program begins by prompting for dimensions. Error checking must be done to be sure that the dimensions are greater than zero.

13 A Solution… Display “Enter length” Read <length> Display “Enter width” Read <width> <length count> = 0 <width count> = 0 While (<length count> < <length>) While (<width count> < <width>) Display “*” <width count> = <width count> + 1 End_While Display Newline <length count> = <length count> + 1

14 Questions?

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