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Reflective Writing 2 Post Graduate Diploma In Education

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Presentation on theme: "Reflective Writing 2 Post Graduate Diploma In Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflective Writing 2 Post Graduate Diploma In Education 2018-2019
Prepared By Desiree S. Augustin , Lecturer

2 Acknowledgement In compiling this presentation, I acknowledge the contribution of previous work of Ms. Juliet Jones

3 Section 1 REFLECTIVE thinking and reflective WRITING: a brief recap

4 Reflection and reflective writing
Paste the link below into your browser and view the clip as you try to answer the question on your left. Reflection and reflective writing How might reflective thinking and reflective writing underpin your practice as a teacher or administrator?

5 Reflection that can guide practice
“Reflection is a process, both individual and collaborative, involving experience and uncertainty. It is comprised of identifying questions and key elements of a matter that has emerged as significant, then taking one’s thoughts into dialogue with oneself and with others. One evaluates insights gained from that process with reference to: (1) additional perspectives, (2) one’s own values, experiences, and beliefs, and (3) the larger context within which the questions are raised. Through reflection, one reaches newfound clarity, on which one bases changes in action or disposition. New questions naturally arise, and the process spirals onward ” (Jay & Johnson, 2002, p. 76) Reflection that can guide practice Do you remember this statement?

6 Remember! Writing reflectively involves more than just a description of events. As you think about your practice and as you work through some of the exercises found on the suggested sites on the next slide, you will move beyond simple description to get at what is meaningful about the events or ideas upon which you reflect and what it means for your future practice.

7 Reflective writing There are different models of reflective writing.
Paste the following link into your browser and examine how some pieces of reflective writing have been analysed using another model. ntBj0FIApw Reflective writing Analysing some examples

8 Reflective Writing: refining your practice
Think about one of the sessions which you attended during the first two weeks of the programme. It could be one of the plenary lectures, a pedagogy session or a tutorial. Reflect on it and using the model suggested in the previous slide, write a reflective piece. Share your writing with a colleague and respectfully critique each other’s work.

9 https://intranet. birmingham. ac
skills/asc/documents/public/Short-Guide-Reflective- Writing.pdf samples/education/education-reflective-writing/reflective- writing-structure ReSOURCES Here are some resources with exercises that may prove helpful as you continue to develop your skills in reflective writing.

10 As you continue in the programme, your supervisor will continue to guide you in your writing. All the best as you continue to engage in the process of mindful reflection during the programme and in converting those thoughts into writing. We are convinced that this type of exercise will help in your growth and development as a practitioner.

11 Thank you for your attention

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