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Quarterly Work Samples All About Work Samples.

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1 Quarterly Work Samples All About Work Samples

2 Although I will only be taking a few samples with me, I would like for you to bring all of the work that your student has done this quarter so far. I enjoy looking through it and hearing from your student all the great things they have been learning. In the following slides I have explained and shown how to prepare for our in person meeting where we will be collecting work samples for this quarter. All About Work Samples

3 All About Work Samples Grading Rubric
CAVA uses a 4 point grading scale for Work Samples. All About Work Samples 4 = Exceeds standards 3 = Meets standards 2 = Approaching standards 1 = Below standards

4 All About Work Samples Proper Heading Student’s first & last name
Subject Unit & Lesson # Date Corrected by Learning Coach All About Work Samples This heading should appear in the top right corner.

5 All About Work Samples Proper Heading For work samples with more
than 1 page, please write “Page 1 of __” in the heading area. Each additional page should have the Student’s first & last name and “Page __ of __”

6 Proper Heading for work on a sample.
Your Text Here Jane Doe Math Unit 1 Lesson 2 Show how and where to write heading information. Point out there is no lesson number on this worksheet, so it will need to be handwritten.

7 All About Work Samples Reminders:
Original student work in his/her own writing The date on the sample MUST match the date on the OLS Learning Coach grade/evaluation *No staples or frayed edges Work samples must be work completed AFTER All About Work Samples

8 All About Work Samples Outstanding Work Samples
Here are some examples of actual student work that has been submitted in the past. All of these Work Samples earned a grade of 3 or 4.

9 Point out Proper Heading & LC Grade







16 Art that shows effort 

17 All About Work Samples Outstanding Work Samples
Pay close attention to the effort given to: How thorough each sample is. Answers are detailed and accurate. There are no "blank" questions. All work is shown for math. Writing is neat and legible.

18 are due on the day we meet for our in person meeting.
Due Date All About Work Samples Quarter 1 Work Samples are due on the day we meet for our in person meeting.

19 I can’t wait to see all of your Great work!!!
How to Turn in Your Work Samples All About Work Samples Bring Work Samples to our In Person Meeting. I can’t wait to see all of your Great work!!!

20 All About Work Samples Questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or if you need some help to gather your Work Samples. You can call me at Or… Send me an at

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