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Seit 1291 Since 1291 Since or For Starting point Period of time

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Presentation on theme: "Seit 1291 Since 1291 Since or For Starting point Period of time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seit 1291 Since 1291 Since or For Starting point Period of time
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since 1291

2 Seit mehreren Monaten For several months Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For several months

3 Seit Dienstag Since Tuesday Since or For Starting point Period of time
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since Tuesday

4 Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Since or For Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since World War Two / the Second World War

5 Seit dreiunddreissig Minuten
Since or For Seit dreiunddreissig Minuten Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For thirty-three minutes

6 Seit hundert Jahren For a hundred years Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For a hundred years

7 Seit einer halben Stunde
Since or For Seit einer halben Stunde Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For half an hour

8 Seit dem Mittelalter Since the Middle Ages Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since the Middle Ages

9 Seit den Frühlingsferien
Since or For Seit den Frühlingsferien Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since the spring holidays / vacation

10 Seit mehr als acht Jahren
Since or For Seit mehr als acht Jahren Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For more than eight years

11 Seit einer Ewigkeit For ages Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For ages

12 Since 1st November / November 1st
Since or For Seit dem 1. November Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since 1st November / November 1st

13 Seit seiner Hochzeit Since his wedding Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since his wedding

14 Seit langen For a long time Since or For Starting point Period of time
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For a long time

15 Since the beginning of the month
Since or For Seit Anfang des Monats Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since the beginning of the month

16 Seit 10 Sekunden For ten seconds Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For ten seconds

17 Seit 2 Millionen Jahren For two million years Since or For
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For two million years

18 Seit der Rektor mit ihnen sprach
Since or For Seit der Rektor mit ihnen sprach Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since the headmaster talked to them

19 For a month / the last month
Since or For Seit einem Monat Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? For a month / the last month

20 Seit letztem Jahr Since last year Since or For Starting point
Laufen Grammar School Starting point Since when? Period of time How long? Since last year

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