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New Literary Terms for The Victorian Age Ms

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1 New Literary Terms for The Victorian Age 1837-1901 Ms
New Literary Terms for The Victorian Age Ms. De La O English 9

2 Romanticism European Romanticism is characterized by the five “I”s
Imagination Intuition Idealism Inspiration Individuality

3 Romanticism-Imagination
Imagination was emphasized over “reason.” against the rationalism Imagination was considered necessary for creating all art

4 Romanticism-Intuition
Feeling and instincts over reason Emotions =fuel for creativity

5 Romanticism-Idealism
We can make the world a better place Any theory that emphasizes the spirit, the mind, or language over matter Any theory that emphasizes the spirit, the mind, or language over matter – thought has a crucial role in making the world the way it is.

6 Romanticism-Inspiration
“inspired creator” rather than a “technical master.” “going with the moment” or being spontaneous, rather than “getting it precise.”

7 Romanticism-Individuality
Romantics celebrated the individual Individuals in major movements Romantics celebrated the individual (including the common person).

8 Realism Shift away from the heightened emotion
Sought to reflect the world as it is Greater attention to detail and complex characters than before “good” and “bad” characteristics Less emphasis on traditional plot structures Language Present day Sought to convey ordinary working people and situations without idealizing them. how people speak in real life Centered around novels than poetry

9 Naturalism Unsympathetic depiction of humans
“persons are fated to whatever station in life their heredity, environment, and social conditions prepare them for.” Lower and middle classes Sometimes viewed as a specific “type” of realism, rather than a separate movement. events are the results not of human intentions, but of largely uncontrollable external forces Attentive to details, striving for accuracy and authenticity in their descriptions As with realism, focused on novels over poetry.

10 Syntax Grammatical structure of sentences
Examples of Syntax in a Sentence: The boy jumped happily. The boy happily jumped. Happily, the boy jumped.

11 Motif A reoccurring concept in a story typically used as a symbol

12 Novella A short story or novel Typically between 17000 and 40000 words

13 All Literary Terms for The Awakening
Motif Setting Direct/Indirect Characterization Theme Symbol Tone Third Person Limited Romanticism Imagery Simile and Metaphor Irony Novella Plot Allusion Syntax Realism Naturalism

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