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The Odyssey Vocabulary.

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1 The Odyssey Vocabulary

2 Laden Adj. Burdened or loaded down with
Odysseus is laden with the pressure of saving his crew from the many destructive obstacles in their path.

3 Maudlin Adj. foolishly sentimental; tearfully or weakly emotional
The woman told a maudlin story of a little orphan and her lost dog.

4 Suppliant Noun – one praying humbly for something
Odysseus, a suppliant for Athena’s favors, often seeks her guidance.

5 Formidable Adj. awe-inspiring by reason of excellence; strikingly impressive Achilles, endowed with great strength, was a formidable warrior on the Greek side.

6 Convulse V. to shake violently or agitate
After being blinded by Odysseus, Polyphemos convulsed about the cave in tremendous agony. Convulse

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