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Presentation on theme: "Flowers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flowers

2 I. Flower Structure A. Plants that produce flowers and have covered seeds are called Angiosperms B. Four types of specialized leaves 1. Sepals, petals, Stamens and Pistils

3 A. Sepals: Protect flower while it develops
B. Petals: Bright colors to attract insects Sepals and petals are not involved in reproduction (they are sterile) C. Stamen: Male part with anther and filaments D. Pistils: female part, Ovary style and stigma

4 B. Not all flowers have both male and female parts

5 C. Pollination 1. Some are wind pollinated and others depend on animals A. Insects, birds and bats B. Wind pollinated plants are not colorful and have small seeds (oak trees)

6 II. Seeds A. Ovary walls thicken to form fruit around seeds
1. Helps with seed dispersal A. Animals B. Wind C. Water

7 B. Seed Dormancy 1. Embryo is alive but not growing
A. water and temp. can cause a seed to begin to grow

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