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Industrial Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution

2 Industrialization Transformed agricultural and handicraft-centered economies into economies of industry and machine manufacture (Assembly lines will eventually be used in this process, making it even faster) High production Low Cost More Materialism for average People

3 Samuel Slater Brought the factory system to the United States
Makes industrialization possible (high production, low cost)

4 First Factory System in U.S.
1793: First Textile Mill in Rhode Island Production of cotton thread by machine

5 Video Industrial Revolution

6 Working Conditions Workers performed monotonous single tasks
Lack of fulfillment Unskilled Work Low wages Strict discipline Long work hours Six days a week, hour days Dangerous and unhealthy work conditions Child Labor

7 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
So many bodies littered the ground from people jumping out of windows that the fire trucks struggled to get close enough to fight the fire.






13 Inventions of the Revolution
Steel Tipped Plow: Plow the rich soils of the Mid West Telegraph: Electric wire used to communicate across long distances Steam Engine Cotton Gin Railroad

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