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Senior Parent Night Mountain Lakes High School

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Parent Night Mountain Lakes High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Parent Night Mountain Lakes High School
School Counseling Department September 26, 2018

2 College Application Process MLHS School Counseling Department
Finalizing the College List Narrow your list to an appropriate ratio of safety/comfort, match and reach schools. Consider factors that make a school a “good fit” for your son/daughter. Get excited about all of the schools on the list!

3 Senior Focus Media Center periods 1-9 to work with Seniors on the initial application steps: Creating a Common App account Signing the FERPA Waiver Linking Naviance and Common App Requesting Teacher Recommendations Student Brag Sheet Questions/Answers

4 Resources on MLHS Website

5 Resources on MLHS Website
What’s available on the website? -College Application Process by Grade -College Open Houses -College Resources -Financial Aid Information -Naviance -Scholarship Opportunities

6 College & Career Bulletin
Bi-weekly bulletin ed to all grades, their parents and posted on website. Includes a list of college rep visits, dates to remember, scholarship opportunities, open house information and other relevant information with links. Bulletin be sent out through school messenger for parents and school for students.

7 Standardized Testing Please note: Students are responsible for knowing the specific requirements for each of their schools and for requesting official scores reports directly from the testing agency. Competitive schools additionally may look for subject tests. Test Optional Schools- AP scores are used for class placement or credit only at most colleges. Recently, some colleges use AP scores as the “test flexible” submission in place of SAT or ACT. Randi

8 Upcoming Events Financial College Planning Workshop
Tuesday October 4, :00pm MLHS Auditorium Presentation by Ed Zamora Naviance Training for Senior Parents Wednesday, October 17, 2018 – 7:00pm MLHS Media Center Presentation by Lauren Daniell

9 Forms To Be Completed Student Brag Sheet on Naviance.
Parent Brag Sheet on Naviance. Teacher Brag Sheet.

10 College Rep Visits to MLHS
This is only one part of the process, not the “end all.” Not all schools track demonstrated interest but it can be a helpful meeting for both the college and the student. What happens during the visit.

11 Contact Us School Counseling Department Telephone: Fax: CEEB Code: Mrs. Giurlando: Mrs. Daniell: Mrs. Lewandowski: Mrs. Pelchat: Mrs. Sullivan: Mr. Wolfelsperger: Mrs. Alcott:

12 Break Out Sessions Parents will break out into 15 minute interval sessions across three separate rooms. Rooms topics are: Important Documents and Forms, Naviance and Common Application and Application Process. There will be a Q & A with counselors in each room, pertaining to the topic for that session. Follow the sheet you received so that you know which rooms to rotate through.

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