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Standards: Determine themes and central ideas

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1 Standards: Determine themes and central ideas
Tuesday, March 9th, 2015 Target: You will learn historical context for Julius Caesar, and participate in a value line to determine how they feel about different moral issues. Standards: Determine themes and central ideas

2 Warm-up Anyone who didn’t take their unit test tomorrow please go with Mrs. Reedy to take it today. Also, those who did not write an essay go with Mrs. Reedy as well. YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS ESSAY! Ms. Estrada, and Mr. Sanchez please go take your vocabulary quiz from last Friday.

3 Activator

4 Work Welcome to Tuesday! We’re going to start out today with a little PowerPoint introduction to the story we’re about to read, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Please take out your note section of your binder

5 Activity After that, we’re going to do a little value line activity. This is the one where we have “Agree” and “Disagree” on the walls, and you go stand where your opinion lies. Here are the statements we will be working with today: It is never OK to kill another human being. Sometimes, the good of many outweighs the good of one. People always want more power for themselves. The worst thing someone can do is to betray a friend. You should listen to your gut instinct instead of the advice of others. Arrogance will be the downfall of the greatest leaders. The best leaders are loved by the general public. A small group of powerful men should be able to decide the fate of a nation. Sometimes you have to go to extremes to make your point. Doing something wrong and admitting it is an honorable thing to do.

6 Closing Journal #14: Write a paragraph - did you ever feel like you should change sides during our discussion and if so, why? If not, why not?

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