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Hero’s Journey vs. Journey of Life

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Presentation on theme: "Hero’s Journey vs. Journey of Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hero’s Journey vs. Journey of Life
To what extent does the Hero’s Journey mimic the journey of life?

2 Never Have I Ever Everyone hold up 10 fingers.
I’ll start with a “Never Have I Ever” statement. I’m going to tell you something I’ve never done. If you have done it, put 1 finger down. We’ll go around the room in this fashion until only 1 person still has some fingers up. He/she is the winner. *Tip: Try to come up things that you have not done that you know the other players have definitely done. **Don’t cheat. Be truthful! ***School appropriate Keep to 5 minutes; Forewarn that all events must be school appropriate

3 Reflect What has this game taught us about each other’s life journeys?
There are some things that all or mostly all of us have done. There are many things that are unique. Our journeys are not the same. Discuss question and then reveal answers

4 What are some events that are a part of all humans’ lives?
Milestones What are some events that are a part of all humans’ lives? Make timeline and write down students’ answers

5 What do the poets say? “Seven Ages of Man” - Shakespeare
Choral reading w/ Seven Ages; give others to choose from to create own choral readings?

6 What do the artists think?
Harris, Sydney. “The Seven Ages of Man: Sleepy, Happy, Dopey, Bashful, Doc, Sneezy, Grumpy.” Cartoon. Conde Nast Collection, Web. 20 Aug

7 What do you think? What do you think are the stages in the journey of life? To what extent does the Hero’s Journey mimic the journey of life? Explain. Why does any of this matter?

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