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Senior English 1/2/18 Write about the best or the worst of your break.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 1/2/18 Write about the best or the worst of your break."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 1/2/18 Write about the best or the worst of your break.
What word if pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right? Saponify – to convert into soap. Goals - Discuss future goals for this class and life. Dashing Denny. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary quiz #14 on Friday. wrong

2 Senior English 1/3/18 How do you feel about our government? Why? Can any of your issues today be related to the issues shown in the book? What is worse than “raining cats and dogs?” Ylem – the primordial stuff from which the various elements of matter were formed – neutrons, protons, etc. Goals – Discuss the rubric. Get to the lab to work on essay introduction. Homework – Complete hook and transition and thesis, at least. Hailing taxis.

3 Senior English 1/4/18 History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. (128) What is the problem with living in an endless present? What is the difference between here and there? Plook – the Scottish word for a nasty pimple or boil. Goals – Get to the lab and write. Focus on Map? Homework – Complete a draft of intro paragraph for turn in tomorrow. “1984 D1” For points. “t”

4 Senior English 1/5/18 Five minutes to prepare for Quiz 14.
What happens when two city peanuts go for a walk in the evening? Lentiginous – heavily freckled. Goals – Complete Vocabulary #14. Homework – Find quotes for body paragraphs. From the book and from the articles. One of each for each parapgraph. Points assigned on Monday. One is a salted,

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