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Sales Law Review Business Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Law Review Business Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Law Review Business Law

2 A public sale to the highest bidder
Casual sale Barter Contract to sell Auction Response Counter

3 A sale that is grossly unfair
unconscionable Caveat Emptor Caveat Venditor Puffing Response Counter

4 Someone who sells goods occasionally
Merchant Bailee Casual seller Auction Response Counter

5 A contract for goods that don’t exist yet
Express warranty Caveat Emptor Caveat Venditor Contract to sell Response Counter

6 Let the buyer beware Express warranty Caveat Emptor Caveat Venditor
Contract to sell Response Counter

7 Someone who sells goods on a regular basis
Merchant Bailee Consumer Barter Response Counter

8 An exchange of goods for goods
Casual sale Barter Contract to sell Auction Response Counter

9 Another name for a vendor
Merchant Seller Consumer Bailee Response Counter

10 FOB stands for First on Base Former Omission Bound Freight Only Bond
Free on Board Response Counter

11 FDA stands for Food and drug administration
Freight and Deception Agency Fools think it’s this one Federal Drug Association Response Counter

12 Federal Teaching Co-op First Trade Corporation
FTC stands for Federal Teaching Co-op First Trade Corporation Financial and Technical Consortium Federal Trade Commission Response Counter

13 Someone who temporarily holds property without the transfer of ownership
Merchant Bailee Consumer Barter Response Counter

14 Beware – Deal is too good to be true
Caveat Venditor means Let the Buyer Beware Let the Seller Beware Beware of Dob Beware – Deal is too good to be true Response Counter

15 A warranty that is specifically stated
Full Warranty Limited Warranty Implied Warranty Express Warranty Response Counter

16 Laws that hold merchants to higher standards
Caveat Venditor Uniform Commercial Code Puffing Bill of Sale Response Counter

17 An exaggeration of fact
Puffing Omission Bailee Bill of Sale Response Counter

18 The agency responsible for advertising
FDA FTC CPA FOB Response Counter

19 The receipt that serves as evidence of the transfer of ownership
Uniform Commercial Code Omission Puffing Bill of Sale Response Counter

20 A warranty that is expected (unless stated otherwise)
Full Warranty Limited Warranty Implied Warranty Express Warranty Response Counter

21 With Door-to-door sales you have up to three days to cancel contracts over what amount?
$25 $50 $500 $750 Response Counter

22 Something that is left out of a contract is what?
Omission Express Warranty Class Action Lawsuit Misdemeanor Response Counter

23 When people group together to sue a person or company because they have experienced similar issues
Omission Express Warranty Class Action Lawsuit Misdemeanor Response Counter

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