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Emily Red Fox.

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Red Fox."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Red Fox

2 Scientific Name Vulpes Vulpes

3 Weight It weighs 6 to 31 pounds

4 Length It can be 21/2 to 5 feet

5 Height It can grow up to 14 to 18 inch.

6 Number of new born It can have 4 to 7 new born

7 Life span It can live up to about 10 years

8 Diet type The diet type is an omnivor

9 Sample foods Birds, rabbits, rodents, and live stock

10 Name of female The female name of a Red Fox is a Vixen

11 Name of young The name of a Red Fox’s young is called cub or a kit.

12 Name of group The name of the group is called a leash or if you want you can call the group a skulk

13 Body temperature The body temperature is warm-blooded.

14 Body covering The body covering is hair.

15 Concveration status The Red Fox has least concern

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