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Daphnia Inquiry Lab Ms. Kluesner AP Biology.

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1 Daphnia Inquiry Lab Ms. Kluesner AP Biology

2 What are Daphnia? Tiny crustacean water fleas Ectotherms???
Arthropods- segmented animal with exoskeleton Recognized by their jerky movement through water Self replicating What does it mean if there are differences between parent and offspring? When food is scared eggs may need to be fertilized Ectotherms- COLD BLOODED, body temperature changes with the environments Arthropods- segmented animal with exoskeleton * insects, spiders, millipedes, and crabs

3 Daphnia Anatomy Kidney-shaped
Leaf like limbs inside the carpace (clear outside skeleton) Two antennae The HEART is on the back Leaf like limbs inside the carpace (clear outer skeleton) that produce a current of water that carries food and oxygen to the mouth and gills Heart is on the back like other arthropods

4 Daphnia Heartbeat Video

5 Can you think of anything that could effect Daphnia heart rate?

6 Your Job!! Propose a question and hypothesis about different aspects that could effect the heart rate of Daphnia After completing the lab you will create a poster presentation of your self-designed lab See rubric for further detail

7 Materials Daphnia Petri Dishes Dissecting scopes Pipettes
THINGS TO REMEMBER! One drop of liquid Do not keep them under the microscope for too long Variety of chemicals Caffeine Ethyl alcohol Nicotine Adrenaline Lactic Acid Ringer’s Solution (Saline) Aspirin Solution

8 GOOD LUCK! Remember to tell them only one drop of liquid so the daphnia does not swim out of there view Take heartbeat for ten seconds and then multiply by six and take measurements quickly so the daphnia do not become stressed in the small volume of water

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