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WILL- CHILL High School Elite Camp Skill Work 2016

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Presentation on theme: "WILL- CHILL High School Elite Camp Skill Work 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 WILL- CHILL High School Elite Camp Skill Work 2016
Serving, Passing, Setting Defense, Hitting Skill Work Location: Willamette High School Dates: Sunday Aug 7th thru Wednesday Aug 10th Times: 5:30pm to 9:30pm Grades: 9th thru 12th Cost : $125 includes a t shirt Willamette High School Mail to address: P.O. Box 23706 Eugene, OR 97404 Checks: Willamette Volleyball Contact: Tom Shrum Phone: (541) Churchill High Schooll Mail to address: 3827 Aerial Way Eugene, OR 97402 Checks: Churchill Volleyball Contact: Brian Wodke Phone: (541) Player Name______________________________________ Grade ___________ Player Cell_________________ Contact Person During Camp___________________ Phone#________________ ____________________________ Insurance information Policy Holder Name__________________ Insurance Company_______________ Policy Number______________________ ID Number______________________ I hereby authorize my child’s participation in the Willamette Volleyball Camp. I authorize the coaching staff to act in my absence in any emergency requiring medical attention. I waive and release the Bethel School District and the Willamette coaches from any and all injuries and or liabilities which occur during my child’s participation of the camp. Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________________

2 WILL- CHILL Kids Camp Skill Work 2016 Location: Willamette High School
Serving, Passing, Setting Defense, Hitting Skill Work Location: Willamette High School Dates: Tuesday Aug 2nd thru Thursday Aug 4th Times: 5:30pm to 8:00pm Grades: 3rd through 9th Cost : $60 includes a t shirt Willamette and Churchill High School Mail to address: 3827 Aerial Way Eugene, OR 97402 Checks payable to: Brian Wodke Contact: Brian Wodke / Tom Shrum and Phone: (541) and (541) Player Name______________________________________ Grade ___________ Player Cell_________________ Contact Person During Camp___________________ Phone#________________ ____________________________ Insurance information Policy Holder Name__________________ Insurance Company_______________ Policy Number______________________ ID Number______________________ I hereby authorize my child’s participation in the Willamette Volleyball Camp. I authorize the coaching staff to act in my absence in any emergency requiring medical attention. I waive and release the Bethel School District and the Willamette coaches from any and all injuries and or liabilities which occur during my child’s participation of the camp. Parent Signature____________________________ Date___________________

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